‘Unfriend’ on Facebook

In an Urban dictionary,  Unfriend is the act of moving friends from your friends list, a coward’s way of conflict management in the world of social networking; to disassociate from someone or something without attempt to resolve conflict or give notice.

Periodically, i reduced the number of friends i have on my list. Here’s why>

  1. Tagging me to sell something. I don’t really mind if you post your products on your profile, it is your account after all but please DO NOT TAG ME. It appears on my news feed, so tagging is superfluous.
  2. Vicious post.  There was a lady on my friends list  who did nothing but write unkind remarks, cursing the ‘other woman’ of her husband and fighting! Facebook is not the right place for nastiness. Yes, it’s fine to do that on you wall but seriously, everyday? Come one! As much as possible, never let people know when your home isn’t happy. Isn’t it wonderful feeling to see pleasant, agreeable, likable & good-humored posts on your news feed? Good vibes!
  3. Don’t know well. I was kind of a person who click without ado ‘CONFIRM’ to friend requests.. I was! Two months ago, I removed almost 300 persons on my list whom i barely know.
  4. Upsetting conversation on chat. I was shocked on the chat box when three persons (different time & situation) on my list chatted and were angry because I did not reply. For heaven sake, i may appear online all the time but i don’t stay 24/7 on FB.
  5. They don’t update enough/Lack of interaction. Facebook is to connect/interact with ‘friends’, know what’s happening and what they have been up to. If you are stationary, what’s the purpose of your fb?
  6. Offensive comments. Who like offensive & rude comments?

I have 77 friend requests now ‘pending’, most of them i barely know. So to dodge ‘unfriending’ on fb. I won’t click “Confirm”,  unless I know you, I’m talking really know you.

‘Unfriending’ on FB is so easy, but in real life it can be very difficult. Yes, “it’s only Facebook” but somehow FB is linked to life.

Have you ever ‘unfriended’ someone? Take a lot of consideration before you “remove friends”. Do not just click ‘unfriend’ out of anger, you may regret it later.

Happy Holidays, Leene

Cut down my FB friends list

It’s not FUN, but i have to.

Time to cut the list…. I just deleted  275 people on my Facebook friends list. I have no idea who they are and yet they ended up on my list,   I probably hit “ACCEPT” or “CONFIRM” without even looking at their profile. Some…. i know, but i chose to remove them for some reasons.

It’s nothing personal. I have been deleted too (few times),  but i did not take it seriously. Yeah, sometimes i got puzzled what I did wrong to offend them, but then again – all i did was move on.. Duh? There’s life outside Facebook.

Confirm or Ignore ?

As i write this blog, I have 970 friends on Facebook,  36 pending friend requests.  Some of the ‘pending’ has been there for quite some time. Deferring whether to confirm or ignore.

I have some things to consider before deciding to click

But I’m not really picky, you don’t have to be my best friend to be confirmed. Even if i don’t know you really well, you can still be accepted, I’m kinda friendly. 😛 But please, use your real name, have the real photos of you. I less likely accept request who are like from other planets, “weird names & photos, etc. etc…” My heart is open & soft if you’re from Lugait, the town where I grew up.

Common friends, YES.. I consistently look to see if we have ‘some’ common friends. And it’s not HOW many friends we share that matters, it’s WHO we share. Connection towards the person requesting is very important, I should feel some ‘bond’, some connection!

Is ignoring friend a mean thing to do? I don’t think so…. I’ve been ignored also, for sure, I made requests ( decades ago  😛 ) but wasn’t accepted. But it’s ok, life doesn’t end there!

I choose who i want to be on my list…just like anyone else on Facebook!

IGNORE those who you don’t want to have access in your life (without feeling guilty) and CONFIRM those you can genuinely connect and share with.

photo (mug) from zazzle.com

Beware: Scam is spreading like wildfire on FB

Please be aware of strange or suspicious links posted automatically on your wall or anything iffy that pops-up on your chatbox. SCAM! I don’t know where it will lead me if I click the link, coz i just ignore or remove unwanted posts on my wall esp. suspicious links. Hackers & scammers are developing their tactics to steal password, so please avoid all suspicious links.


And it has also Visayan version of ‘scam” , crazy – ayt? it popped-up on my chatbox where i was almost tempted to open… almost!

Scammers also took advantage of Osama’s death, the latest is the “Shocking NEW VIDEO of Osama Bin Ladens DEATH!!!”. I think, this is similar to  “Teen from Egypt commits suicide scam” and “Girl Killed herself after dad posted on her wall scam”  and many others (can’t remember them all). According to reports, Pres. Obama decided not to release any photo or video of Osama’s death, so it’s 101% FAKE.. SCAM!

PLEASE, BE CAUTIOUS ON WHAT TO CLICK ON FACEBOOK! Otherwise, all your data information will be stolen.  One wrong click…. may damage your computer.